Tons of images, so these pages may load slow, be patient!
Mission Statement The original purpose was to have a place to store our images
of plates we own. Discovering that we both had a huge gallery of images of plates we aquired over the years, we decided to
catagorize them and post a resource site. It may have some incorrect information, but we research our info before labeling
any plates. Besides, we live in Connecticut and know most of this first hand. Some images are from Ebay sales and may not
be in our collection at this time. This is purely a recreational site and not all images represent plates currently owned.
None of these are forsale, we typically buy more plates then we sell.
Thanks, Dave and Greg.
What's new?
Not too much new to report. The newest specialty plate released is this Support our Troops plate shown below in a remake.

Support Our Troops |
